Delete Borrower with “Override” present for Borrower

Hi, In regards to removing borrowers. I’ve been deleting old staff members that have left the school by returning their old loans from many years before and disposing, then deleting those borrowers. I have one staff member left that I can’t delete because they have items on loan BUT I can’t find out exactly what those items are (so I can return and dispose) as OASIS keeps coming up with “OVERRIDE” where the barcode would be. I loaned another item to this user to see what would happen, “OVERRIDE” was in top line and the newly borrowed book was in the next line. I have no idea what to do to get rid of this override and I would really appreciate any help I can get with this. These are some of the responses to your query:

  • On a high security level go into B2, A1 & loans for the teacher to bring up borrowed items list.  In B2, E1 with the “OVERRIDE” try typing in the command “override” as it sounds like the teacher borrowed a reference book.  If this doesn’t work it might be due to “OVERRIDE” being accidentally added as the barcode for this item years ago — you would need to contact DET IT Help about fixing it.
  • Go to returns and type in override exactly as it appears on the screen. Also, any other unusual things like that, just type in exactly what the message comes up.
  • You might like to try B2 A1 and go to surname and then look at loans.
  • I presume you have tried typing Override into the returns box. I’d someone has used the temporary loans facility and typed override in at an inappropriate point in the process.
  • Type override. Put in a due date. Then type ‘borrow’ and it will show you what they have on loan and the barcode numbers.
  • I had this problem,

    go to E2 – returns and return


    this also works for any typos or weird words there –

    then the borrower will have no items under their name.

  • I had this only last week but the entry was RENEW. To get rid of it off the borrower just go into B2 E2 and type the word in the exact same way as it appears – if all capitals that’s how you type it.

Loans for a period of time

We need a hand to print a report on;
How many loans during 2010 & 2011?(to compare)
Can we also do this report with the names of the books or dvd etc borrowed
The reason being is that we have a IEC unit that is seperate but borrows through the library so we don’t want to count them.     

B2 Circulation/M1 Loan Statistics will allow you to compare the numbers of loans according to date periods but you can’t exclude a section of borrows. I know of no report which allows you to identify titles borrowed in this context.

Year 12 leavers

Hi I was hoping that someone could tell me how I would check what year 12 students haven’t returned English textbooks. The English teacher asked if I could check what books haven’t been returned yet. We have already generated a calendar for next year and since roll over the year 12 students are no longer in the system. Having a crash course in Oasis as my library admin has retired…

  • We still have our Year 12s on Oasis Library. They will be there until Oasis Admin send us the list of the Year 12s who have officially left. It depends on how you operate at your school. For a start it sounds like your Library catalogues English texts. We don’t as it is really the responsibility of individual faculties to look after their texts. (The Department recognises this and actually advises against this). However, if you have ended up in this situation then it will be a lot of extra work with complications. At our school, students must bring around a ‘Leaver’s Form’ and have it signed by Library, English, Maths, etc.If a book is outstanding then the form is not signed and the name of the book and cost are written. Sometimes, students will of course still leave with books outstanding in which case our office sends a letter asking for payment or the return of the books. Sometimes this also means we mark the book as missing and if it does eventually return, then it goes back on the system when returned via the circulation desk.Some schools type the name of the last borrower on Oasis.
    Your school should have had a similar system in place. We have generated a new calendar but the Year 12s are still there. A couple have still not returned books. If you had ‘Leaver’s Forms’ we would assume they are filed somewhere so if the Year 12s are not on Oasis Library then you will have to cross check names with forms. Hope this helps.

    • When the list of official Year 12 leavers arrives a ‘Refresh’ is done on Library Oasis.

Borrower – Crates of books

I would like to create a borrower called “Stage 1 COGs” or something similar but cannot recall how to do this?
Go to B2 A1, select A = Add and then you’ll add an External borrower. Give them the name that you want, may I suggest that COGS be the surname and Stage 1 the given name, you could do this with all the stages. Give the borrower a high loan limit and their borrower code would be the same as all other teachers, (otherwise you’ll get that unfortunate “unauthorised loan” message). That way when you are loaning out the resources you can just wand in NAME and enter COGS and you can select the one that you want.

Refresh and borrower list

Changed to library ERN numbers after Refresh how do you get a print out

We just changed our library barcodes to ERN numbers. No problems here. We just did a refresh and can’t figure out how to print out a list of students and staff refreshed. We are used to putting in a barcode range to get a print out. Can anyone give me the details please.

B2 A2 – you’ll get options.Students can be selected/printed by Name, Roll Class or Year.

Borrower loan report

I’ve been asked by a teacher for a printout of what her class has borrowed this year.
I have found a report that gives me all of the classes’ borrowings for a couple of years.
Is there a report that will just give me the name of the child and the number of books they have borrowed for 2011 or just the name of the child and a list of titles for 2011.

You need to purge the previous year’s or years’ loan histories. This is done at B2 R1 and you enter a date that you want the “Purge Loan History to”, in your case select 31/12/10 and select C = Confirm. Escape & QU back to the OASIS Main Menu.

Then to get the number of resources each student in a particular scholastic year have borrowed so far this year, go to B4 I3,  C = Continue, D = stuDent, S = Select & enter the scholastic year range that this class is in. The report will list all the students in that year and how many resources they have borrowed since the “purge”.  Please be aware that the report will list ALL the students’ borrowing figures for the year, not just that particular teacher’s class – so you may want to “black out” the figures on the printout for the students not in that class, as this is really a privacy issue.

 A  resource is only added to a borrower’s statistics once it has been returned – OASIS doesn’t include any current loans in those figures.
 You may want perform the Weekly Housekeeping prior to the B4 I3 process.

Borrower history

 Is there a report that tells us how often the students are borrowing? And, does anyone know where to find it?

Are you thinking of “Borrower History”? That’s at B2 O1.
You should check your System Parameters B1 C1, then C = Circulation to check that your “Record Loan History” is set to Y = Yes.

There are also some Sample Reports in F2  select S = Source, arrow down to “Sample Reports”, press Enter. The reports that may be of use are:

Save B4 I3 to file, open it in excel. Sort it into classes. You can then create class graphs  & put them up in the library, give a copy for class display or give the data to teachers to do a class graph.

I do a report for each roll class. It lists the books returned by the students. I believe it is under B2 page down ?

I do a report for each roll class. It lists the books returned by the students. I believe it is under B2 page down ?

I find it really interesting to see what they borrow!
The number of books does not give the full picture. Some kids borrow the same or similar books all the time while others borrow a range of genres and much more challenging reads.

Borrower history

 I am trying to look up the history of some borrowers in kindergarten. Each time I enter the class/student a message comes up “no borrowers in that range”. 

Go to B2 O1,  then select D = stuDent, B = Borrowers, I = Individuals and then enter the surname of the student you are after.