Borrower history

 Is there a report that tells us how often the students are borrowing? And, does anyone know where to find it?

Are you thinking of “Borrower History”? That’s at B2 O1.
You should check your System Parameters B1 C1, then C = Circulation to check that your “Record Loan History” is set to Y = Yes.

There are also some Sample Reports in F2  select S = Source, arrow down to “Sample Reports”, press Enter. The reports that may be of use are:

Save B4 I3 to file, open it in excel. Sort it into classes. You can then create class graphs  & put them up in the library, give a copy for class display or give the data to teachers to do a class graph.

I do a report for each roll class. It lists the books returned by the students. I believe it is under B2 page down ?

I do a report for each roll class. It lists the books returned by the students. I believe it is under B2 page down ?

I find it really interesting to see what they borrow!
The number of books does not give the full picture. Some kids borrow the same or similar books all the time while others borrow a range of genres and much more challenging reads.

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